Thanks in great part to a Stumble from Jeff Quipp of Search Engine People, I’m having a nice flush of visitors today. Yaaay! Yesterday there were two sets of live eyeballs here that weren’t yours truly. Today, so far, MyBlogLog says it looks like this:
AbleReach Blog
Readers: 220
Page views: 505
Offsite clicks: 4
About 50 of the page views could have been mine. I was messing with my theme and that always means a lot of refreshing. MyBlogLog seems pretty good about Readers vs Page Views, and once I left I left for good, so I’m trusting that only one or two of the Readers is me. If 218 readers are responsible for about 450 page views, that probably means that a lot of those 218 are new and looking at more than one page. Returning visitors are more likely to read what’s new on the blog’s home page and then bounce.
Does anyone want to share how many of their Stumble spike traffic is return or new visitors?
Before this, I’ve had one Stumble spike, and the visitors were about 90% new. Normally I’ve been running at about 60% new. I expect the new visitors number to go down when I’ve been around longer – this blog’s first post was almost two months ago.
Now that I’ve gone on a bit about searchy stuff, I have a request. Tell me what you would like to see here. Though it doesn’t have to be something I’ve already said I’m interested in, ya gotta read me first, though, because I’d like to be in character when I follow through on this – LOL.
My idea list is all over the map, and I’m open.
Send me an email or comment here.
Golly, there aught to be a prize for the reply that makes me the happiest and most interested. Hmmm… To keep the friendly exchange going, if I pick your idea and you’re interested, I’ll interview you here.
If nobody answers – ROFL – maybe I’ll have to interview myself.