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So far, David Wallace is on track to be the winner for the guys.
So what are the rules and how is a winner determined? Each participant has chosen his/her favorite charity that they are playing for. During the two month period between February 1, 2008 and March 31, 2008, each SEO will attempt to lose weight using whatever methods he or she thinks is best. On March 31st, the woman who has lost the most weight (based on a percentage of weight loss) and the man who has lost the most weight (again based on percentage) will be in a finalist face-off. On April 1st, all of you will vote and choose the winner of the challenge from those two finalists. The final winner’s charity will receive all of the sponsorship pledge funds.
Make LOLcats to Help Fight Fat
Why not make your own lolcat in support of the SEO Fat Fighters?
- Go to icanhascheezburger
- Visit the LOL Builder
- Save your LOL
- Share your SEOcat in an encouraging blog post that is linked to